Team > PD Dr., Akad. Senior Councilor Festus Boamah

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography
Research priorities
- Beyond Energy Justice
- Political Ecology of Gobal Environmental Change
- Land Grabbing & State-society Relations
- Corruption & Natural Resource Governance
05/2015 | PhD in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen. PhD dissertation entitled: ''Biofuels and land politics: connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts of jatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana'' |
11/2011 - 12/2011 | Visiting PhD Student: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex under the sponsorship of Professor Ian Scoones |
05/2013-06/2013, 05/2009 | PhD Scholarship Holder at the Nordic African Institute, Uppsala, hosted by Professor Kjell Havnevik under the Rural and Agrarian Change, Property and Resources Research Cluster |
08/2010 | Masters in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway. Thesis topic: ''Competition between biofuel and food? The case of a jatropha biodiesel project and its effects on food security in the affected communities in Northern Ghana'' |
08/2003 - 05/2007 | Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honors Division): Geography and Resource Development, Department of Geography, University of Ghana |
Work and Research Experience
since 07/2024 | University of Bayreuth Germany. Senior Academic Councilor |
07/2023 - to the present | University of Bayreuth, Germany. Chair of Social & Population Geography, "Privat Dozent" PD (Privat Lecturer) |
04/2016 – 06/2023 | University of Bayreuth, Germany. Chair of Social & Population Geography, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer (Habilitation Dissertation completed) |
08/2015 - 11/2015 | Higher Executive Officer, Dept. of Geography, University of Bergen |
24 - 27/11/2015 | A co-organizer of a PhD Course and Workshop entitled: ‘Power in Political Ecology organized at the Department of Geography, University of Bergen. Available here: |
21 - 22/10/2015 | A co-organizer of the International Conference dubbed: Beyond Oil: Geographies of climate and energy transformation at the University of Bergen. Available here: |
09/2015 | Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College. Lecture topic: Synergies and contradictions in ‘Green’ Initiatives: From Green Revolution to Green/Climate Governmentality. |
06 - 07/2015 | Consultant for Christen Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway: Undertaking Systematic Literature Review Assignment for ‘Anti-Corruption and Extreme Resource Governance’ project |
04/2015 | Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College. Lecture topic: Biofuels and other agricultural Investments in Africa: Challenges and Prospects. |
02 - 04/2015 | Higher Executive Officer: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway |
09/2010 - 08/2011 | Research Associate: The Energy Center, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana |
2007 - 2008 | Research Assistant: Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. Responsibilities: Undertaking research, teaching and training, capacity building, policy assessment, development and dissemination in the area of migration. |
Selected Conferences and Guest Lectures
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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography
Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah: Praxistheorie in der Energiegeographie : Reflexionen zur solaren Energiewende in Kenia. In: Sören Becker, Britta Klagge, Matthias Naumann (Hrsg.): Energiegeographie : Konzepte und Herausforderungen. - Stuttgart : UTB, 2021. - S. 73-82.
Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah, Thomas Dörfler: Relational governance of territorial resources in post-colonial Africa : A new analytic framework. In: Die Erde, 152 (2021). - S. 75-90.
Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah: Politics and (Self)-Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a Global North–South Perspective. In: Politics and Governance, 8 (2020). - S. 162-172.
Festus Boamah, Eberhard Rothfuß: "Practical recognition" as a suitable pathway for researching just energy futures : Seeing like a "modern" electricity user in Ghana. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 60 (2020). - .
Festus Boamah, Eberhard Rothfuß: From technical innovations towards social practices and socio-technical transition? : Re-thinking the transition to decentralised solar PV electrification in Africa. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 42 (2018). - S. 1-10.
Festus Boamah: Energieunabhängig mit Photovoltaik : Von zentralen Stromnetzen zur Selbstversorgung in Ghana und Kenia. In: Spektrum, 13 (2017). - S. 62-65.
Festus Boamah, Aled Williams: Strengthening Institutions against Corruption? : Biofuel Deals in Ghana. In: Aled Williams, Philippe Le Billon (Hrsg.): Corruption, Natural Resources and Development : From Resource Curse to Political Ecology. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. - S. 117-130.
Festus Boamah: Hall, Ruth ; Scoones, Ian ; Tsikata, Dzodzi (Hrsg.): Africa's Land Rush : Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change. Woodbridge, 2015. In:Journal of International Development, 28, S. 1189-1191: 2016
Tom Lavers, Festus Boamah: The impact of agricultural investments on state capacity : A comparative analysis of Ethiopia and Ghana. In: Geoforum, 72 (2016). - S. 94-103.
Festus Boamah, Raghnild Overå: Rethinking livelihood impacts of biofuel land deals in Ghana. In: Development and Change, 47 (2016). - S. 98-129.
Festus Boamah:Biofuels and land politics : Connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts of jatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana. - Bergen: University of Bergen, Department of Geography, 2015.
(Dissertation, 2015, University of Bergen, Norway)
Festus Boamah: How and why chiefs formalise land use in recent times : The politics of land dispossession through biofuels investments in Ghana. In: Review of African Political Economy, 41 (2014). - S. 406-423.
Festus Boamah: Imageries of the contested concepts “land grabbing” and “land transactions” : Implications for biofuels investments in Ghana. In: Geoforum, 54 (2014). - S. 324-334.
Festus Boamah: Competition between Biofuel and Food? : Evidence from Ajatropha Biodiesel Project in Northern Ghana. In: Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Håvnevik, Atakilte Beyene (Hrsg.): Biofuels, Land Grabbing and Food Security in Africa. - London : Zed Books, 2011. - S. 159-175.

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography
PD Dr., Akad. Senior Councilor Festus Boamah
Academic Senior Councilor
Room: 159, GEO II
Office hours: consultation by arrangement
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2281