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Chair of Social and Population Geography - Prof. Dr. Eberhard Rothfuß

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Team > PD Dr., Akad. Senior Councilor Festus Boamah

Dr. Festus Boamah PD Dr., Akad. Senior Councilor Festus Boamah
Dr. Festus Boamah

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography

Research priorities

  • Beyond Energy Justice
  • Political Ecology of Gobal Environmental Change 
  • Land Grabbing & State-society Relations 
  • Corruption & Natural Resource Governance 



Post-Doc/Habilitation. Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth, Title: "Mattering" Space-production Enterprise, Epistimic Injustice Lock-ins and Normative Stencil Adventures in Energy Justice Scholarship in Africa.

05/2015PhD in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen. PhD dissertation entitled: ''Biofuels and land politics: connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts of jatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana''
11/2011 - 12/2011Visiting PhD Student: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex under the sponsorship of Professor Ian Scoones
05/2013-06/2013, 05/2009PhD Scholarship Holder at the Nordic African Institute, Uppsala, hosted by Professor Kjell Havnevik under the Rural and Agrarian Change, Property and Resources Research Cluster
08/2010Masters in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway. Thesis topic: ''Competition between biofuel and food? The case of a jatropha biodiesel project and its effects on food security in the affected communities in Northern Ghana''
08/2003 - 05/2007Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honors Division): Geography and Resource Development, Department of Geography, University of Ghana

Work and Research Experience

since 07/2024University of Bayreuth Germany. Senior Academic Councilor 
07/2023 - to the presentUniversity of Bayreuth, Germany. Chair of Social & Population Geography, "Privat Dozent" PD (Privat Lecturer)
04/2016 – 06/2023University of Bayreuth, Germany. Chair of Social & Population Geography, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer (Habilitation Dissertation completed)

08/2015 - 11/2015Higher Executive Officer, Dept. of Geography, University of Bergen
24 - 27/11/2015A co-organizer of a PhD Course and Workshop entitled: ‘Power in Political Ecology organized at the Department of Geography, University of Bergen. Available here: http://www.uib.no/en/course/GEO902 
21 - 22/10/2015A co-organizer of the International Conference dubbed: Beyond Oil: Geographies of climate and energy transformation at the University of Bergen. Available here: https://spacelab.b.uib.no/conference-beyond-oil/  
09/2015Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College. Lecture topic: Synergies and contradictions in ‘Green’ Initiatives: From Green Revolution to Green/Climate Governmentality.
06 - 07/2015Consultant for Christen Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway: Undertaking Systematic Literature Review Assignment for ‘Anti-Corruption and Extreme Resource Governance’ project
04/2015Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College. Lecture topic: Biofuels and other agricultural Investments in Africa: Challenges and Prospects.
02 - 04/2015Higher Executive Officer: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway
09/2010 - 08/2011Research Associate: The Energy Center, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
2007 - 2008Research Assistant: Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. Responsibilities: Undertaking research, teaching and training, capacity building, policy assessment, development and dissemination in the area of migration.

Selected Conferences and Guest Lectures 

  • Public Lecture at ETH Zürich: The "Beyond Energy Justice" Scholarship. 10.04.2024
  • Panelist on African Energy Futures Discussions (06.2023) Round table discussion: African Energy Futures - Navigating sustainability, electification and export opportunities - African Futures Cologne  
  • Energy Policy Webinar Off-grid Electrification Orthodoxy in Africa’s Energy Policy – Lessons from Namibia, Ghana, Mozambique, & Kenya (Co-convener, University of Bayreuth 17.-18. 2022) 

  • Technological Globalization from Below Interdisciplinary STS Seminar 2022-2023 (Lecture Series): Off-grid Electrification Futures in Africa and the Burning Questions (28. Sept. 2022). 
  • Why Corruption Definitions Matter: Land Grabbers in Ghana. Presentation in the Webinar/TRNC Learning Series. Definitions matter: What do we mean when we talk about corruption in conservation, and what difference does it make? April 2021. 
  • Keynote Lecture entitled “New Perspectives on Energy Justice Scholarship – Reflections from Africa” In MIASA Online Conference Critical Perspectives on Energy Transitions in Africa, 13-14 December 2020 University of Ghana, Ghana. 
  • The Transition to Solar PV systems in Ghana & Kenya (13. September 2017) in an Inception Workshop organized by The Center of Excellence in Phytochemicals, Textile Engineering and Renewable Energy at Moi University (ACE II, PTRE), Eldoret, Kenya. The Transition to Decentralised Solar PV Electrification in Africa: from technical innovations towards adaptability to social practices and socio-technical systems? (26. October 2017) in the International Conference themed: Beyond Oil II: Geographies of climate and energy transformation at the University of Bergen, 25-27 October 2017. 
  • Amorphous biofuels governance? An unanswered burning question in the quest for renewable energy technologies in Africa" (15. December 2017) in the Workshop themed Burning Questions - The quest for ‘modern’ energy sources in/for Africa‘‘ organised by Prof Uli Beisel (BIGSAS 14-17 December 2014), University of Bayreuth. 
  • A co-organizer of the International Conference themed: Beyond Oil: Geographies of climate and energy transformation at the University of Bergen, 21-22 October, 2015. 
  • Biofuel governance in Africa (22. October 2015) in the Conference themed Beyond Oil: Geographies of climate and energy transformation at the University of Bergen, 21-22 October, 2015. 
  • A co-organizer of a PhD Course and Workshop entitled: Power in Political Ecology at the Department of Geography, University of Bergen in 24-27 November, 2015.  
  •  Biofuel Land Grabbing in Ghana (17. October 2012) in the International Conference themed Global Land Grabbing II October 1719, 2012, New York. 

Dr. Festus Boamah

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography



Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah: Praxistheorie in der Energiegeographie : Reflexionen zur solaren Energiewende in Kenia. In: Sören Becker, Britta Klagge, Matthias Naumann (Hrsg.): Energiegeographie : Konzepte und Herausforderungen. - Stuttgart : UTB, 2021. - S. 73-82.

Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah, Thomas Dörfler: Relational governance of territorial resources in post-colonial Africa : A new analytic framework. In: Die Erde, 152 (2021). - S. 75-90.


Eberhard Rothfuß, Festus Boamah: Politics and (Self)-Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a Global North–South Perspective. In: Politics and Governance, 8 (2020). - S. 162-172.

Festus Boamah, Eberhard Rothfuß: "Practical recognition" as a suitable pathway for researching just energy futures : Seeing like a "modern" electricity user in Ghana. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 60 (2020). - .


Festus Boamah, Eberhard Rothfuß: From technical innovations towards social practices and socio-technical transition? : Re-thinking the transition to decentralised solar PV electrification in Africa. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 42 (2018). - S. 1-10.


Festus Boamah: Energieunabhängig mit Photovoltaik : Von zentralen Stromnetzen zur Selbstversorgung in Ghana und Kenia. In: Spektrum, 13 (2017). - S. 62-65.

Festus Boamah, Aled Williams: Strengthening Institutions against Corruption? : Biofuel Deals in Ghana. In: Aled Williams, Philippe Le Billon (Hrsg.): Corruption, Natural Resources and Development : From Resource Curse to Political Ecology. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. - S. 117-130.


Festus Boamah: Hall, Ruth ; Scoones, Ian ; Tsikata, Dzodzi (Hrsg.): Africa's Land Rush : Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change. Woodbridge, 2015. In:Journal of International Development, 28, S. 1189-1191: 2016

Tom Lavers, Festus Boamah: The impact of agricultural investments on state capacity : A comparative analysis of Ethiopia and Ghana. In: Geoforum, 72 (2016). - S. 94-103.

Festus Boamah, Raghnild Overå: Rethinking livelihood impacts of biofuel land deals in Ghana. In: Development and Change, 47 (2016). - S. 98-129.


Festus Boamah:Biofuels and land politics : Connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts of jatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana. - Bergen: University of Bergen, Department of Geography, 2015.
(Dissertation, 2015, University of Bergen, Norway)


Festus Boamah: How and why chiefs formalise land use in recent times : The politics of land dispossession through biofuels investments in Ghana. In: Review of African Political Economy, 41 (2014). - S. 406-423.

Festus Boamah: Imageries of the contested concepts “land grabbing” and “land transactions” : Implications for biofuels investments in Ghana. In: Geoforum, 54 (2014). - S. 324-334.


Festus Boamah: Competition between Biofuel and Food? : Evidence from Ajatropha Biodiesel Project in Northern Ghana. In: Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Håvnevik, Atakilte Beyene (Hrsg.): Biofuels, Land Grabbing and Food Security in Africa. - London : Zed Books, 2011. - S. 159-175.

Dr. Festus Boamah

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Research Group Social Geography

PD Dr., Akad. Senior Councilor Festus Boamah
Academic Senior Councilor

Room: 159, GEO II
Office hours: consultation by arrangement

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2281
E-mail: festus.boamah@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Eberhard Rothfuß