Theses and Internships
There are many different opportunities to participate in research and practice in the field of social and population geography. Topics for theses and projects are listed below. Interesting internships related to social and population geography are also advertised here.
Level | Topic | Supervisor |
Bachelor | Jugendzukunftswerkstatt: Jugendpartizipation in der Stadt neu denken und Jugendliche in Stadtplanung einbeziehen (Abschlussarbeiten im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur Jugendzukunftswerkstatt Kulmbach Stadt und Landkreis) | Dr. Matthias Gebauer |
Master | A human ecology mapping of forest and land use at the Czech-Bavarian Border: Politics, Practices and Perceptions | |
Master | The sense of preservation: Mapping and Evaluating land use, nature preservation politics and practices in the national parks “Bayerischer Wald” and “Šumava” | Dr. Matthias Gebauer |
Master | Geopolitics of Energy Infrastructure - (focusing on either Africa, Asia or Latin America) and we may consider new projects like Germany’s ongoing (huge) investments in Green Hydrogen in Namibia or countless Chinese Investments in territorial infrastructure in the Global South. | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Just Transition and Mortality Dilemmas | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Ethical Dimensions of Off-grid Electrification in the Global South | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Why Law Matters in "Climate Refugee" Concerns | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Energy Democracy | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Corruption Perspectives in the Extractive Sector | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Global Change and Ethical Dimensions Digital Activism | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Legal Pluralism and Resource Governance Dilemmas in Africa | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Beyond Covid-19 | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Beyond Energy Justice | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
Master* | Beyond Land Grabbing | PD Dr. Festus Boamah |
*All Master's theses offered by PD Dr. Festus Boamah apply to the degree programs: MA Development Studies, MA EIMAS, Msc Global Change Ecology and Msc Human Geography
Open internship positions with practical relevance to social and population geography are published here.
First supervised theses
A table with the theses supervised to date can be found via the link.