Completed Research Project

SELFCITY – Collective governance, innovation and creativity in the face of climate change
Description:We are an interdisciplinary research team that has dealt with the following questions as part of the SelfCity research project: What should the world of the future look like? Numerous initiatives are looking for answers to this question, which are creating new forms of life and economic types based on ecological and social solidarity: In our Self City project these are the Transition Town initiatives, an environmental station with its eco-social learning, energy cooperatives and urban neighbourhood groups. They do not rely on laws and regulations “from above”, i.e. from the national or transnational side. In self-organisation, new visions and concrete projects for a change of path to sustainability are sought. They are characterised by the fact that they try out new social practices in a local community. They embody a “Self City” that is supported by self-organisation. |