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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences

Chair of Social and Population Geography - Prof. Dr. Eberhard Rothfuß

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Current Research Project

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Reallabor Vereinskulturnetz 2.0 Fichtelgebirge (BMEL)

We see a need to strengthen associations that do important cultural work but suffer from different conditions in the context of peripheral regions. These associations need exchange among themselves to discuss challenges, they also need a better coordinated platform for their self-presentation and public relations work to strengthen their activities - and thereby the participation of the people in the region in cultural activities.
The "Reallabor Vereinskulturnetz 2.0 Fichtelgebirge" is a pilot project to investigate and document the regional effects that arise when new aspects and actors in cultural life in rural regions become more closely networked: Volunteers, youth and creative workers, including media-based participatory communication techniques, are to develop mechanisms to counteract the negative trends of structural change in rural regions. A central question of the project is therefore: Can participation in cultural life in peripheral regions be strengthened and sustainably established by means of real- life subscriptions?

  • Duration of the project: 01.05.2019 - 30.04.2021
  • Financial Support: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Landkreis Bayreuth, Landkreis Wunsiedel

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Eberhard Rothfuß